What is rock and roll, the history of rock and roll

What is rock and roll, the history of rock and roll

Rock and roll literally stirred up the youth of America in the mid-50s of the last century. And then the whole world. And while the boys and girls sang along with popular singers and lit up on the dance floors, their parents opposed the “innovations” in the music world. Why did this style become very popular and why did it become an apple of contention between generations? This and not only our page.

The history of rock and roll

We owe the term "rock and roll" to Alan Fried, an American DJ. He worked for the Cleveland radio station and very often broadcast Negro music on the air, because he noticed how white youth approached her. The very name of rock and roll appeared from the popular at that time song "We'll rock, we'll roll". This happened in 1952.

Giving a name to a new genre, Alan began to actively promote it. Radio seemed to him a little, so he began to arrange rock balls. They were going to black and white population - the American public was outraged! But why? The answer to this question gives the history of the United States.

Racial hostility in America after World War II escalated. Black people were not allowed to take a bus if there was a white American. In the southern states, boys and girls of different skin colors even danced on different floors. The same hostile attitude developed to the Negro music. Gospelam, rhythm-and-blues had no place on the radio. But so considered only the older generation, which is burdened by country and orchestral music, devoid of improvisations and vivid emotions.

Post-war youth demanded new idols, new music, free and incendiary. Young people of that time did not share racial prejudices, therefore, without a shadow of a doubt, they wandered around on black radio stations in search of rhythmic sounds. This and took advantage of Alan Fried.

Conservative parents did not share the interests of their children. As a result - rock and roll declared war. Famous people called rock and roll "black contagion" that can destroy America. Jeans were banned in schools, parents scolded children for their tastes, in an attempt to weaken the influence of Negro culture. But for young Americans who are tired of living in a world of delusions, the skin color of their favorite performers did not matter.

The song "Rock Around the Clock" by Bill Hale, a white-skinned American, changed everything. The public first heard it in April 1954, but met it without much enthusiasm. But it was enough to make the composition a soundtrack to the youth film "The Jungle of Slate Boards" for the age of rock and roll to begin. Now there are few who know about this film, but "Rock Around the Clock" is guessed from the first chords.

By the time the song was recorded, Bill Hale was 30 years old. Age is not the only thing that it repelled the youth. It did not have the energy of black performers that young people longed for. They were waiting for a new idol to meet their requirements. They became Elvis Presley. With his appearance and began the heyday of rock and roll, which peaked in 1957.

The early rock'n'roll artists also include Little Richard and the Fats Domino, who played boogie woogie on his favorite piano. Each of the musicians contributed something to the music. Chuck Berry stood out with spectacular movements that are used at rock concerts so far. Little Richard is remembered by a frantic rhythm and loud screams.

The more popular the new music became, the louder the opponents resented. Behavior of Elvis in combination with his bold image only inflamed the fire. Throwing off clothes during the concert was outrageous, according to conservative Americans. Despite this, young people continued to dance to fiery rhythms.

The second wave of rock and roll performers includes such names: Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis and Buddy Holly, who, despite his classic costume and glasses, won a black audience. No less famous among fans of the genre and Lin Ray. Thanks to this American, we know guitar music for what it is.

In the late 50s, headlines began to appear in newspapers: "Rock and roll is dead." Fans had something to think about. After all, Elvis was drafted into the army, Chuck Berry received a prison sentence, Jerry Lee Lewis lost the respect of fans because of his marriage to a minor, and Buddy Holly and Richie Wales died tragically in a plane crash. Who can continue the galaxy of hits and inflame the hearts of young people? Liverpool four. The Beatles managed to give rock-n-roll a foreign sound and make the whole world go crazy with their songs. But this is a new stage in the development of music.

Rock and roll today

And yet: dead or alive rock and roll? While there are groups performing this genre. So far, covers of popular American songs from the middle of the last century are being created. As long as the memory of Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly and other ancestors of the style is alive, there is no reason to talk about the death of rock and roll. After all, their work is still popular. Hits half a century ago are used as musical accompaniment for films and commercials.

But this is only a small part of the argument that rock and roll has not disappeared anywhere. After all, this genre became the basis for the emergence of many rock directions. There are heated debates between music lovers: is rock music and rock and roll the same thing? And most agree that rock and roll has become the progenitor of rock culture. It turns out that art-rock, folk-rock and other directions have the same basis. This means one thing: rock and roll is alive, albeit in a modified form.

Interesting Facts

  • The very first song in the genre of rock and roll is the song "Rocket 88", which was performed by Ike Turner, an African-American musician. He recorded it in 1951 at the studio of Sam Phillips, the very one who opened the world to Elvis Presley.

  • Can I play rock and roll without a guitar? It turns out, yes. This is proved by the participants of the annual championship on playing an imaginary string instrument. They go on stage and improvise to the selected melody. Who makes it more virtuoso and charismatic, receives a real guitar as a gift.

  • Cleveland houses the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. The discovery of a kind of house dedicated to this culture took place in 1995. The project was created by the Chinese architect Yu Min Pei. His Hall of Fame was also built in San Francisco, but it was Cleveland that won first place. After all, it was here on the local radio station that the word "rock and roll" sounded for the first time.

  • A variety of rock and roll - rockabilly. The term is used to describe the work of white musicians who performed this genre.

  • On April 13, music lovers celebrate World Rock and Roll Day, although it is not counted on official holidays. But it is worth remembering that this date is conditional. Fans are still arguing: April 13 or 12 was born rock and roll? The controversy is connected with the moment of the recording of the hit "Rock Around The Clock". Some believe that it was recorded late in the evening on the 12th, others after midnight.

The most vivid compositions in the genre of rock and roll

You can talk about this musical style for a long time. In order to penetrate the American culture of the past and understand the widespread hysteria of Elvis Presley and other representatives of the genre, we offer you to get acquainted with the classics of rock and roll.

  • "Rock Around The Clock" - the main anthem of the direction, recorded by Bill Haley and his band The Comets. The composition is translated simply: "Rock all day and night", which fully reflects the nature of the genre. It is noteworthy that the song was first written in 1952, and gained popularity only after 3 years. Another fact - the composition has become the most commercially successful in its genre.

"Rock Around The Clock" (listen)

  • "Johnny B. Goode" Chuck Berry is a simple song about the life of a simple country boy named Johnny. This is a real classic of rock and roll, which humanity offered to listen to the inhabitants of other galaxies. The fact is that this composition was recorded on a gold plate and sent on a Voyager on a space trip.

"Johnny B. Goode" (listen)

  • "Long Tall Sally" sounded on the radio in 1956. It was performed by the famous American musician Little Richard. This composition has everything that is characteristic of rock and roll: the fast rhythm, the virtuoso playing of the singer on the piano, and the beautiful sound of the saxophone. Special attention deserve loud cries of Richard. This song was destined to take the top line of the charts.

"Long Tall Sally" (listen)

  • "The Twist" - composition, which gave new life to Chubby Checker. He recorded a cover of the song of the same name written by Hank Ballard, which ensured her first place in the charts. An additional effect after recording is the popularization of twist dance. The legs themselves begin to perform movements familiar to millions, it suffices to sound the first chord.

"The Twist" (listen)

  • "Peggy Sue" wrote and performed by talented musician Buddy Holly. His idol was Elvis, who inspired the young man to work in the rhythms of rock and roll. Despite the fact that the song took the 3rd place in 1957, it was destined to become one of the most important in the musical culture of America.

"Peggy Sue" (listen)

  • "Blue Suede Shoes" - clockwork and rhythmic composition performed by the King of Rock and Roll. In general, this is a legendary hit, under which you want to dance even after more than half a century.

Features of the genre

  • Rock and roll is an incendiary clear rhythm, fast paced. This is dynamics and energy. After all, this style combines music and dance. No wonder in the dance culture of rock and roll stands out in a separate direction.

  • The formation of style was greatly influenced by black music, in particular the blues. Rock and roll combines boogie-woogie, rhythm-and-blues, jazz and gospel music. Not without it and without country music, without which it is difficult to imagine the culture of the white population of America.

  • Classic rock and roll is filled with slang expressions, including Negro.

  • Rock and roll is freedom of expression and liberation. In it live feelings and energy, not social norms. Certain idols of that time were remembered precisely because of extraordinary dances. Suffice it to recall Elvis Presley or Chuck Berry.

  • The main instrument is an electric guitar. Her sound complements the piano, drums, double bass and saxophone, which is borrowed from jazz. When listening it is difficult to pick out a particular instrument - they sound so harmonious.

Despite the short age of existence, rock'n'roll left a bright trace in the history of world music. Without him, we would never have heard The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and other famous bands, inspired by the incendiary and dance rhythms of rock and roll.

Watch the video: Rock n' Roll The Early Days Documentary (March 2025).

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