Unusual Musical Abilities

The presence of musical memory, musical ear, possession of a sense of rhythm, emotional sensitivity to music is called musical ability. Virtually all people to one degree or another have all these gifts from nature and can develop them if they wish. Outstanding musical abilities are much less common.

The phenomenon of exceptional musical talents includes such a “set” of mental qualities of an artistic personality: absolute pitch, phenomenal musical memory, outstanding learning ability, creative talent.

The highest manifestations of musicality

The Russian musician K.K. Saradzheva from childhood showed a unique ear for music. For Sarajov, all living things and inanimate objects sounded in certain musical tones. For example, one of the artists Konstantin Konstantinovich was familiar with was for him: D-sharp major, moreover, having an orange tint.

Sarajev argued that in the octave he clearly distinguishes between 112 sharps and 112 flats of each tone. Among all musical instruments K. Saradzhev singled out the bells. The brilliant musician has created a musical catalog of the sound spectra of the bells of Moscow belfries and over 100 of the most interesting compositions of the game of bells.

F. Liszt, S.V. Rachmaninov, D. Enescu and other brilliant musicians had a phenomenal memory: they could, looking at the musical text, without an instrument, memorize a piece of music with fantastic speed and accuracy.

F. Liszt played from the sheet, as MI recalled. Glinka, several numbers from his handwritten score of the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila", retaining all the notes - to the surprise of the audience (Glinka's handwriting was very illegible). F. Liszt was helped by an extraordinary musical intuition.

Once, at the request of M. Ravel, before the picky music publisher D. Enescu brilliantly played by heart a new violin sonata by Ravel. He first saw her text half an hour before execution.

I.S. Bach, V. Mozart memorized the most complex orchestral works, having heard them only once. World-renowned performers possessed a rare musical memory: I. Hoffman, S. Feinberg. L. Oborin, S. Richter, D. Oistrakh, which helped them to have a huge concert repertoire.

The satellite of musical talent is the gift of virtuoso playing musical instruments. The highest technique of possession of the instrument, giving unrestricted freedom to performing movements, for musical genius, above all, is a means of allowing him to reveal the content of music deeply and with inspiration.

An example of unusual musical abilities can serve as the phenomenon of improvisation on a given topic, when a musician creates a musical work, without prior preparation, in the process of its execution.

Children - musicians

A distinctive feature of unusual musical abilities is their early manifestation. Gifted children have a strong and fast memorization of music, a penchant for musical composition.

Children with musical talent are already intonating by the time they are two years old, and by the age of 4-5 they will learn to read notes from a sheet freely and reproduce musical notation expressively and meaningfully. Geeks are a miracle inexplicable by science. It happens that artistry and technical perfection, the maturity of the performance of small musicians turns out to be better than playing adults.

V. Mozart from the age of 4 began to play the clavier and violin, composed music. From the age of 6 he gave concerts in Europe, where he performed his and other people's works, read from the sheet with extraordinary ease, and improvised on given topics. From the early childhood F. Liszt surprised listeners with his virtuoso piano playing.

Nowadays, there is a flourishing of children's creativity and geeks around the world today.

11-year-old girl - vocalist from Moscow V. Oganesyan sings complex opera arias. From the age of 4, the young Russian pianist V. Kutuzova has appeared on stage, the violinist from Berlin A. Kamara started playing the violin from the age of 2.

The young conductor from Uzbekistan Edward Yudenich came on the stage at the age of 6 to lead a symphony orchestra. He began playing the violin at the age of three, then he mastered the piano. Having a phenomenal musical memory, the boy knows by heart the scores of all the works with which he conducts. Seven years old, he conducted an orchestra that performed Liszt’s Preludes orchestral poem.

F. Liszt “Preludes” - conducted by Edward Yudenich

The author - Alla Chaika

Watch the video: Top 10 Unique Voices in Music (March 2025).

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