Kazakh legend of music

Kazakh legend of music

Once upon a time, a cruel khan lived on Kazakh soil, sparing no one. Only for one person did he have true love - for his son, who could not imagine his life without hunting. The ruler did not like the dangerous hobby of the heir. Every time he went into the forest, he would dissuade him as best he could.

Once the son of Khan went hunting alone, unaccompanied by servants. The young man did not return. Heartbroken father sent his servants to search for him, ordering him not to return without good news. And those who decide to disobey his order, Khan promised to fill the throat with molten lead.

In complete horror, the servants went in search of an heir and found him under a tree. His body was torn apart by a wild boar. What to do? How to return to Khan with such news? And then the groom advised the servants to take one wise shepherd with him. He made a musical instrument and played a very sad and sad melody on him. Having listened to music to the end, the ruler understood without words that his son would not return home anymore. But this did not prevent him from executing his order. The holes of the musical instrument were poured with molten lead.

Watch the video: "Kazakhstan - Train Chase" 'Tomb Raider: Legend' Soundtrack by Troels Brun Folmann DR (March 2025).

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