Sam Smith (Sam Smith): interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Sam Smith

Charming Sam Smith with a strong and, at the same time, gentle voice captured the hearts of millions of fans not only in Great Britain, but also far beyond its borders. Through ups and downs, overcoming all obstacles, the young musician climbed to the tops of the British charts and securely secured the place of the favorite of British music lovers. His voice fascinates and shakes with its depth, and natural charisma gives the image even more sincerity and romance. The most authoritative TV channels speak about him and write the most popular magazines, and music critics do not get tired of repeating his brilliant future. What is he, Sam Smith?

short biography

Samuel Frederick Smith, known as Sam Smith, was born May 19, 1992 in London in a wealthy family. His mother was a successful banker and broker until she had to make a choice between a career and the help of a son in his musical aspirations. Parents gave Samuel a very good education, which in particular allowed him to develop his musical talents from an early age. He is a graduate of the prestigious Youth Music Theater UK, where he began his musical career. Also, the young musician studied at St Mary's Сolicdolic School, where he was a member of the musical and theatrical group and sang in the choir.

For many years, Sam Smith tried himself as a member of various musical groups, preferring jazz bands. For a long time he studied singing and writing songs with Joanne Eden.

The first serious popularity of the singer brought the single "Lay Me Down" and the song Noti Boy "La La La", recorded together with Sam. Thanks to concerts and performances on the most popular shows of America, Sam Smith very quickly and deftly managed to conquer American music lovers. Unconditional popularity in their own country, backed by the love of American fans, allowed the young talent to break into the world music scene.

Having released his first album - "In The Lonely Hour", Sam Smith finally and irrevocably became a world-class star. Proof of this was a number of prestigious awards, including the Grammy, Oscar, Golden Globe and others.

The singer has repeatedly said that the basis of his lyrical and soulful songs formed his own experiences and sufferings associated with unrequited love. In one of his interviews, he told that he was very worried because of unrequited love and was in a state of deep depression. It is personally experienced experience and subtle soul nature that allows Sam Smith to so clearly convey the depth of human relationships and reach out to the hearts of all listeners.

Interesting Facts

  • Sam Smith owes a lot to his mother. She actively supported the development of his musical career. Despite the fact that she held a good position in a large bank, Mom always found time to support her son in his quest to succeed in music. She so selflessly helped her son that the bank management eventually fired her, explaining her decision by saying that she allegedly paid her son more attention than work. This story has gained public outcry and has been highlighted in the British media.
  • Samuel is not the only successful singer in his family. His second cousin is popular English singer Lily Allen.
  • Sam Smith is not only a performer, but also a composer. Many of his songs are written by him.
  • The young musician said that he would never perform in Russia. He added that this does not speak of his hatred of Russia. The singer made such a decision, as he says, in connection with the harsh attitude towards gay people in Russia. This is explained by the fact that he himself is a representative of a non-traditional orientation, which he regularly openly speaks about in public.
  • Sam Smith said that his idols, and, at the same time, the musical inspirers are Adele and Amy Whitehouse. He also emphasized that such world stars as Whitney Houston, Mariah Kerry, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce, Brandy and Lady Gaga greatly influence his work.
  • Extravagant singer said that he often buys and wears women's clothing and shoes. At the same time, in one of his interviews, he said that "he feels like a woman just as much as a man." Sam Smith calls himself a feminist.
  • In November 2014, Sam Smith joined the charitable initiative of British pop artists and released his new song to raise funds to help the victims of Ebola.

Sam Smith's best songs and albums

The first popularity of the young singer brought the song "Latch "which was published in October 2012. The song took 11th place in the British charts and attracted wide attention to the work of a rising star.

In early 2013, he released his debut c titled "Lay Me Down", and in the middle of that year he finally conquered the hearts of British music lovers by playing the song "La la la "which immediately after the release took the first place in the music charts and brought its performer wildly popular.

"La La La" (listen)

The real breakthrough to the world stage took place in the first half of 2014, when Sam Smith released a solo album called In the Lonely Hour, which brought the singer international popularity. It was this album that allowed the performer to receive the cherished Grammy statuette in the category of the best pop album of the year. The circulation over the popular album broke all records and amounted to 1,400,000 copies in England and more than 1,250,000 copies in the USA. He secured the place of the leader not only in the British charts, but also in the charts of many other countries. In the US, he became the third most popular album, second only to the 1989 album performed by Taylor Swift and Frozen. The most popular songs of the album are "Money On My Mind, "Stay With Me", "I'm Not The Only One". Sam Smith said that the album was based on his hard feelings from unrequited love. The artist said that the feeling of unrequited love simply tore his soul to shreds while he was working on the album. It was at this moment that the performer publicly admitted his orientation.

"I'm Not The Only One" (listen)

In 2017, Sam Smith released another album called "The Thrill of It All", which repeated the success of the previous album and again headed the British charts.

The most popular song of the new album was "Too Good At Goodbyes "which for a long time held on the first position in the charts of the UK, Australia and New Zealand, took the 5th place in the charts of the USA and entered the top 10 best songs of most European countries.

"Too Good At Goodbyes" (listen)

Particularly successful was the song "Writings On The Wall ". She not only led the British charts, but was also chosen as the soundtrack for the film "007: Spectrum" from among the films of the legendary Bondiana. The successful song was written by Sam Smith with Jim Naps. Sam said in an interview that it took just 20 minutes to write the song. Critics reacted ambiguously to her. Many of them said that the song is trying to follow in the footsteps of the legendary soundtrack "Skyfall". Nevertheless, the criticism did not prevent the performer from receiving admiring reviews from fans and the highest award for his soundtrack.

"Writings On The Wall" (listen)

Awards and nominations

Sam Smith can be called one of the most titled young performers. For three years of his popularity, he collected more awards than nominations. This is a great rarity for young performers, which testifies to the unquenchable interest in his work, both from fans and from authoritative critics.

The first songs of Sam Smith, which were awarded the prestigious nominations were Stay With Me and La La La. They were nominated for awards MTV and Brit Awards in 2014. And despite the fact that the songs from the first time did not win, the singer himself became the winner in the category "Critic's Choise" and "Sound of 2014" that same year.

Nevertheless, over the popular song Stay With Me is still not left without awards. In 2015, she brought Smith a victory in one of the most prestigious competitions - Grammy. She was leading at once in two categories: "Song of the Year" and "Record of the Year." The album, in which the song entered, received a victory as the "Best vocal pop album", and the singer himself won in the category "The Best New Performer". Thus, Sam Smith immediately received four Grammy figurines. Far from all performers with years of experience, not to mention young talents, can boast of such results.

2015 was truly victorious for Sam Smith, and after a brilliant Grammy success, brought him victory in the prestigious categories “Breakthrough of the Year” and “World Recognition” according to Brit Awards, as well as the title of "Musician of the Year" by version Elle Style Awards.

The most striking victory in the career of a young artist, of course, was Oscar. He received the coveted victory in the category "Best Soundtrack to the film" for the song Writings On The Wall, which added to the list of brilliant soundtracks of the popular Bondian. Also this song has been awarded Golden globe.

The bright and original Samuel Smith, thanks to his deep and stunning voice, easily won the hearts of music lovers of all countries of the world. This extravagant and incredibly talented musician in record time collected all the most prestigious awards and prizes in the field of music, thereby reinforcing his global success. Despite the fact that he seemed to have reached the peak of popularity, music critics around the world unanimously predict an even more successful future for the young performer, and millions of fans are eagerly awaiting new hits and new victories in the music world from their idol.

Watch the video: Sam Smith - Writing's On The Wall from Spectre (March 2025).

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