Musical instruments for the smallest

"Musical instruments for the smallest"

Such simple games can be played independently at home even with the smallest ones. Kids are actively involved in the creative process with their mother.

Purpose of the game: Such classes with improvised musical instruments develop a child's hearing, sense of rhythm, and also form a musical taste at such a young age and teach how to perceive different music correctly.

Training: for the game "Musical instruments for the smallest" you need the actual sounding objects themselves. Prepare for this spoon (wooden and metal), a pan with a lid, a rustling bag and ordinary rattles, if there is a toy maracas - this is exactly what is needed for the second stage of the game. For the third, you need a toy set of musical instruments, which includes a drum, tambourine, xylophone, flute.

Holding the game:
Such classes can be conducted in several stages. And it is not necessary to use them for one lesson, you can divide them by a whole day dedicated to developing games or several days.

First stage. Listen with the baby how the objects sound. To do this, strike with wooden spoons against each other or tap them on the pan. At the same time it is important to do this with different volume. Speak where loud sounds, and where quiet. The same applies to the rhythmic pattern, it should be different. Two long blows or two short blows, for example. Now use the package and rustle them, notice the child, how does it sound?

Second phase. Complicate the task. Mom should take a rattle and hide it behind her back. Rumble with it, then show the baby and shake it again. Now invite him to take the same tool and repeat all the movements for you. Hold the instrument first in one hand, then in the other, then lift it up, at this time shake it in a different simple rhythm so that the baby can easily repeat after you.

The third stage. Now you can proceed to the next stage of the game, in which the child needs to guess the sounding object.
Sit the kid at the table and lay out improvised musical instruments in front of him. Take turns showing how they sound and tell about their sound. After demonstrating them, let the child try to play with them in order to remember better. Now you have to close the tools with a screen or a wide piece of cardboard. Play on one of them, then lower the screen and suggest to guess what sounds like. If the baby is still too small for such a task, then it can be simplified. Do not hide the instruments, but play them directly in front of him, then ask your finger to point to the one that just sounded.

Play music games with the baby yourself, they are quite simple and do not require any training. In addition, do not forget to listen to classical music, because the more he listens to it, the richer becomes the inner world of your child.

Watch the video: Musical Instruments Size Comparison (March 2025).

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