Opera "Othello": content, video, interesting facts, history

D. Verdi opera "Othello"

Othello is one of the best tragedies of William Shakespeare. Naturally, composers could not ignore such an outstanding work.

When a proposal was made to write an opera on this outstanding work, Giuseppe Verdi for some time hesitated, since the deep philosophical side of Othello required considerable musical understanding. The tragedy in the transcription of A. Boito, who wrote the libretto, and Verdi, who created the unique music, has undergone considerable changes. Many plot moves and episodes have been transformed. The structural laws of the opera genre require the obligatory presence of the choir, so the line connecting Othello as the governor of Cyprus and the people subordinate to him was introduced. Four actions serve to unfold the storyline, the main musical characteristics of the characters and the tragic finale.

Summary of the opera Verdi "Othello"and many interesting facts about this work read on our page.




OthellotenorMoor, commander of the Venetian troops
Lagobaritonemidshipman, schemer and approximate Othello
Cassiotenorsquadron leader, friend Desdemona
RoderigotenorVenetian patrician accomplice Iago
LodovicobassAmbassador of the Republic of Venice
MontanobassOthello's predecessor in the management of the island of Cyprus
Desdemonasopranoyoung spouse Othello
Emiliamezzo-sopranoIago's wife, Desdemona's maid

Summary of Othello

The plot unfolds on the island of Cyprus in the fifteenth century.

Moor Othello returns to the Republic of Venice as a winner. He is greeted with honors. Only Yago and Roderigo are not happy with him, his long-time ill-wishers, who, due to negligent service, suffered in their time from the commander. He is completely absorbed in love for Desdemona and does not notice the intrigue spinning around him.

In order to carry out his plans, Iago persuades Officer Cassio to patrol for his slowed career advancement before Desdemona, whom he knows for a long time, and at the same time makes Othello witness this conversation. At the same time, he inspires him to the idea that their conversation is not at all innocent. Othello is trying to find out from his wife what the conversation was about, but her story kindles even more jealousy in him. Desdemona, worrying about her husband, straps his forehead with a handkerchief, but Moor, without looking, flings him away. Emilia, Desdemona's maid and wife Iago, picks up a handkerchief.

Iago, who watched this scene, tells Othello that the thing was donated by Desdemona Cassio and advises him to demand that his wife take out a handkerchief. In the event that the spouse can not do this, then suspicion is not in vain. Othello fully believes Iago. Desdemona, unaware of the anger of her husband, is trying to plead for Cassio. Othello wants to show a handkerchief, but Desdemona does not have it. Moor is furious.

In the palace, Iago, having previously invited Othello, talks to Cassio about a famous courtesan and assures Moor that this is about Desdemona. Blinded by jealousy, he does not notice the trick. Meanwhile, Cascio accidentally pulls out Iago’s handkerchief. Othello, unable to endure this spectacle, loses his senses.

The final action takes place in the bedroom. Othello enters and begins a famous monologue with the words: "Have you prayed ...". Desdemona, realizing that her husband is completely poisoned by jealousy and plans to kill her. She begs to believe her, because with all her heart she loves Othello and is completely faithful to him. Moor does not believe her and is unable to cope with himself, choking her. Gradually, he realizes his mistake, but nothing can be corrected and Othello stabs himself.

Duration of performance
I - II ActIII - IV Act
80 min85 min.

A photo

Interesting Facts

  • After the triumphant success of "Aida" Giuseppe Verdi for a long time was in solitude. Othello helped him regain his leading position in the music world.
  • The composer wrote this work at seventy-four.
  • The creation of the opera took six years.
  • The first act of the play by William Shakespeare is dedicated to the love and escape of Othello and Desdemona. Here he is completely excluded.

  • Compared with the tragedy, the presence and significance of the image of Iago is significantly increased. D. Verdi and A. Boito intended to name their work in the name of this character, who unwittingly moved into the center of action.
  • There was already an opera written earlier D. Rossiniwith the same name.
  • The first action is accompanied by bad weather and thunder, which Verdi himself created with the help of an iron sheet. The public's delight was so great that it stifled this imitation of the weather.
  • "Othello" is considered to be the best work of Verdi.
  • Despite the tremendous success, this work did not take its firm place in the repertoires of theaters, significantly inferior in terms of the number of productions "Rigoletto", "Traviata" or "Aide".

Popular arias and numbers from the opera "Othello"

Desiamona's aria "Mia madre aveva una povera ancella" (listen)

Aria Othello "Niun mi tema s'anco armato mi vede" (listen)

Desdemona's Prayer from 4 actions "Ave Maria, piena di grazia" (listen)

The history of the creation of "Othello"

By the time of writing "Othello" Verdi was no longer engaged in such an active musical activity.

In 1879, Arrigo Boito decided to compose a libretto based on the Shakespeare play. The collaboration he proposed to Giuseppe Verdi. The composer hesitated for a long time, although in general he liked the text. Nevertheless, the librettist managed to persuade him and in 1881 work on the piece began. It was very difficult to adapt the tragedy with a small number of actors to the operatic stage.

A significant place was given to the people of Cyprus, and some episodes were stopped. In the center of the plot, however, as in the play, was the passion that engulfed Othello.

As a result, the score turned out to be so complex that far from all theaters were taken for its production. Only the greatest conductors, who collaborated with wonderful opera talents, who also had a remarkable dramatic gift, dared to stage opera.


The opera was enthusiastically accepted all over the world. The first to respond to its creation was the Milan Theater "La Scala", which on 5 February 1887 carried out its production. Parties were performed by such famous artists as F. Tamano, V. Morel, R. Pantaleone and others.

In Europe, she made a real sensation. In 1888, the opera conquered Germany, in 1894 - France.

At the same time, Othello entered the Russian stage. On December 26, 1887, the Mariinsky Theater with great success released the premiere. The roles were performed by N. Figner, E. Pavlovskaya, A. Chernov, etc.

After the victory of the revolution, the opera was repeatedly staged on the stage of an already Soviet theater. The musical work was presented at the Bolshoi Theater, at the Kiev Shevchenko Theater, at the Leningrad Kirov and Maly Opera Theaters. Such leading lights shone in the leading roles, as V. Atlantov, V. Volkov, N. Ozerov, V. Galuzin, etc.

In Europe, Othello was embodied on the stage by such great singers as P. Domingo, M. del Monaco, J. di Stefano, R. Tebaldi, etc.

There is also an adaptation, made by the legendary Franco Zeffirelli with P. Domingo in the title role. H. Diaz played the role of Iago, and K. Richcharelli brilliantly embodied the Desdemona party.

Watch the video: Luciano Pavarotti Recital - Nessun Dorma. Metropolitan OperaNew York ᴴᴰ (March 2025).

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