Record an audio clip quickly, efficiently, inexpensively: can I?

Can! But there are nuances. Consider them in the article. So, we have ...

Task: to record an audio clip

Audio recording is not as scary as it sounds.

If we compare the number of audio studio orders for small audio clips — greetings for the answering machine, advertising and informational messages, voice greetings — and other products, the percentage will be 50/50.

If you have previously faced with the task of voice acting, you, of course, much is already clear. But if you encounter the need to record an audio clip for the first time, then you will have a lot of questions and even fears:

  • What exactly are we writing? By and large, it doesn’t matter - a small informational or advertising audio clip (for rotation on radio stations, in shopping centers), recording for an answering machine or "sound card" - from the point of view of voice acting, they will differ only in the presentation of information, speech rate, etc.
  • Where to get the text? First, you can write yourself. However, if this causes you difficulty, for congratulations, for example, you can choose any text from the Internet that you like - in verse, in prose. Secondly, you can rework what seems to be successful: listen to the videos of your colleagues in the workshop, select in them what “touches”, adopt them and make them better.
  • What if they "fix" with sound? In principle, this question is quite easy to clarify on the Internet, looking for reviews of the artist. Another option: contact the studio, ask for promotional materials and ask how the situation is resolved when the client is not satisfied with the result.
  • How not to "run into" fraudsters? Does the artist have a website? Already good. It contains contact information: phone numbers, actual and legal addresses, etc.? Even better! What payment methods are offered? For example, PayPal, in principle, guarantees the protection of payments (it helps to return money if you did not receive the goods ordered or it turned out to be of inadequate quality).

We have clarified all doubtful moments. Our task now does not look vague: it has acquired quite specific outlines, and we can proceed to the second point:

Solution: choice of performer

In fact, there are plenty of options - freelance speakers, recording studios, self-recording programs, online services. However, all of them have their drawbacks (we will not list the full list, we’ll dwell only on the most important ones):

  • Freelance announcer. As a rule, this is a person who works from home and is not registered as an individual entrepreneur or other legal entity. Accordingly, this is always a lack of guarantees, plus, you can never be sure of the quality of the equipment on which it works. But even if the chosen speaker is a professional in his field, how competent is he as a sound engineer? Thus, if you answer the three questions posed, we will see the following: Quickly? Most likely, because for a freelancer, time is money in the literal sense of the word. Qualitatively? Maybe. It's like a game of roulette: it may be lucky, but maybe not. Inexpensive? Definitely yes!
  • Recording Studios. These are companies that are duly registered, so work with them always begins with a contract for the provision of services. In this option, it is inevitable that the speed of order execution is reduced due to the need to coordinate all the points through the account manager. That is, if we translate this into the plane of our questions, then we get this: Fast? Not! Qualitatively? Yes. Inexpensive? No, it is expensive, because the cost of the service includes not only the labor costs of all the involved specialists - announcer, sound producer, account manager, but also such as payment for the studio itself, equipment depreciation, etc. If you yourself are an entrepreneur, then you perfectly understand what is being said. No, we do not argue that if you need to do quite a serious work, such as the voice of the same commercial in different languages, and before that you will have to translate and adapt them into these languages, the studios with their guarantees and coordination of all phases of work the most ideal option. But when it comes to such an uncomplicated product as an informational video, it is wiser to choose and the method of its execution is simpler.
  • Programs for self-recording. These can be either smartphone applications or more advanced versions for installation on a laptop or desktop computer. However, if you yourself are not a professional speaker, you are unlikely to seriously consider this option. An audio clip created with the help of programs will only please your competitors. But for the purity of the experiment, we still answer our questions: Quickly? If you can write everything "clean" and the first time, then yes. Qualitatively? Definitely not! Inexpensive? Theoretically, yes, but it also depends on the value of your time.
  • Online services. But this option, in the case of creating a simple product, can be the most optimal choice. Why? The process of ordering, paying and receiving is completely transferred to the online space, the announcer and sound director will be professionals in this case, the stage of communication and coordination of all the nuances with the account manager will be excluded, the cost of the service will decrease due to this and several other points. You, as a customer, get all the guarantees. In the end, what do we have? Quickly? Yes! Qualitatively? Yes! Inexpensive? Yes! And what does it mean "inexpensive" let's look.

Which artist to record an audio clip prefer?

The main advantages of online services for recording voice audio clips are time savings (stages of searching, discussing and agreeing on ideas, making adjustments to the intermediate result are omitted) and client’s money (the price does not provide "commission" for working with a personal account manager) also convenience due to the transfer of the entire process to the online space.


Online audio recording services

Consider the most popular and their proposals:

  • "Startum". Sound recording of texts for informational audio clips from 1000 rubles, execution time - from 24 hours.
  • IVR-studio. The cost of the voice acting depends on the chosen announcer and his popularity (you can calculate the final price on the site), the time of order execution is 3-4 days.
  • IVR-voice. Voicing of voice greeting from 1400 rubles (without a musical background), the time of order execution on the site is not specified.
  • "Audio +". Creating any simple audio clips (greeting, answering machine, greeting) - 590 rubles, execution time - no more than 2 hours during working hours.

Audio recording in a professional studio

The choice, of course, is an individual matter, but if we are talking about “quickly, efficiently, inexpensively” voiced in the title of the article, then the Audio + service is certainly in the lead. However, for objectivity, let's consider not only its advantages, but also disadvantages:

· Pluses "Audio +":

  1. Price. At the moment, there is a special offer for the creation of all types of commercials, and the price for this service is certainly out of competition.
  2. Speed. Let's be honest, 3-4 days or even a day - this is not really “fast.” The speed of "cooking" product "Audio +" also leaves its competitors far behind.
  3. Quality. This service is a product of the studio, which has maintained an excellent reputation in the market for the past 15 years. Such a term is more eloquent than any words. We easily found responses on independent resources on the Internet.
  4. Online mode. Order, payment, receiving an audio clip - all this happens online: you do not need to leave your workplace. You do not need to spend your time communicating with your account manager, respectively, and you will not have to overpay for his work either. The service was easy to use.

Just 6 simple steps:

On the service page, select the type of product, then the announcer and music.

The second and third step when ordering an audio clip through the service "Audio +"

Insert the text (script) of the future audio clip into a special form, pay for the order using the Yandex.Cass service (by credit card or in any other way, for example, through WebMoney, Qiwi or Yandex.Money) and quietly go to lunch while the order is executed.

The process of recording an audio clip using the Audio + service can be tracked online. Once everything is ready, you will receive a link to download the finished audio clip via e-mail. “/>

As soon as everything is ready, you will receive a link to download the finished audio clip via e-mail.

  • · Cons "Audio +":
    1. Limitations. You can record only simple greetings, congratulations or informational audio: acting, vocals in this case - the options are not available.
    2. Lack of "wealth of choice." At the moment, there are seven announcer voices (four male and three female) and five variants of musical accompaniment.

Although, if you look at it from the other side, when time is tight, it’s probably not minuses, but also advantages. However, if you still think that the five musical underlays are too small, that is, we have a little trick especially for you. See: the service for all kinds of clips has different music selections (for the voice of an audio clip, for an answering machine and for congratulations), which means that there are not five of them, but 15! Therefore, for example, if you liked the music from the answering machines section, but you need to make a radio spot on it, just place an order in the section for answering machines and calmly wait for the result. It works, we tried.

Ordering audio clips online saves time and money

In general, let's not be afraid to keep up with the times, because ordering audio clips online is not only easy and convenient, but also very profitable. Take new business heights before your competitors!

Watch the video: How To Record A Song From Scratch - Getting Started - (March 2025).

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