Strauss Waltzes: history, interesting facts, listen

Strauss Waltzes

"King of the Vienna Waltz" sounds proudly! That is how the great composer, whose name is Johann Strauss-son, was called majestically. He breathed a new life into this genre, presented him with a "poem interpretation". A lot of interesting and surprising lies in Strauss waltzes. So let's take a look at the mysterious world of Vienna music, the door to which the king himself opened for us!

Read the story of Johann Strauss Waltzes, the content and many interesting facts on our page.

The story of the creation of the Strauss Waltzes

Few people know, but the composer Johann Strauss-father was categorically opposed to his son continuing the work and becoming a musician. If it were not for the stubbornness and wild desire of a young man, then we could never listen to waltzes Straussfilled with lyrics and poetics.

At the age of nineteen a novice composer taught a lesson to his father. Together with the orchestra, he performed his own compositions, the main of which was a waltz. As a sweet revenge for the ban on playing music, at the end of the concert one of the most famous father waltzes was performed. Of course, society could not leave without comment of this kind of trick, and all the newspapers wrote in the morning that it would be time for the old generation of composers to step aside in front of young talents. My father was mad.

Meanwhile, the popularity of the young composer only increased. None of the evenings in the highest circle did not pass without performing Strauss waltzes. Thanks to charm, the public adored Johann, his appearance behind the conductor’s console was accompanied by exquisite remarks on behalf of the High Vienna Society. The maestro behaved at ease, forcing the orchestra to play at a glance. Every gesture caused applause from the audience. When the last final chord sounded, the conductor slowly lowered his hand and disappeared from the audience as if by magic. He was a great master of not only music, but also a theatrical performance.

The mastery of writing waltz compositions was already achieved in 1860. This period in life can be considered the most fruitful. One by one, the composer writes the hits of his time, such as:

  • Love songs;
  • Farewell to Petersburg;
  • On the beautiful blue Danube.

Thanks to the waltz, they began to talk and write about the composer, his works were scattered in millions of copies, both in the form of musical copies and on records. The composer’s entire biography is reminiscent of a graceful spinning in a triple rhythm. His waltzes are his life, his sorrows and joys, victories and failures. History has preserved each of them. Strauss's waltzes are diamonds, sparkling regardless of the skill of the conductor. The author himself adored his own compositions, but among them were those that Strauss especially liked. Let's take a closer look at these works and their history.

"Spring Voices"

The work was written in 1882. In the same year, the composer met his future wife and creative muse Adele Deutsch. In consequence, for her, he will compose another song bearing her name. It is worth noting that the composer originally intended to write this work with the inclusion of a coloratura soprano.

The work was performed only a year later at one of the charity concerts of the time. The event was held in the building of the theater An der Vin. The work was accepted with a bang. It was sold in millions of copies throughout Europe, and was considered one of the most popular works of the author.
The smoothness of the rhythm is outlined by the double bass line from the first note. The theme is filled with lots of jewelry. They are graphic means for full display of pictures of nature awakened from a long hibernation. Everything is recovering from winter sleep, a great time is coming. Of course, this work was to the taste of many: from amateurs to true connoisseurs of professional musical language.

listen to "Spring Voices"

"On the beautiful blue Danube"

The order for this dance came from the main and most famous manager of the choral company in the capital of Austria, it was the choir waltz that was required to it. At that time, the residence of the creator was located not far from the coast of this majestic river, therefore it was not necessary to think long over the name. The premiere in the capital of Austria was modest. Strauss, accustomed to fame and universal approval, only joked that he didn’t feel sorry for the waltz, but that the code did not succeed, this is what really saddens him.

Then Strauss decided to orchestrate this work so that the code would not disappear. For the first time it was performed at the Paris World Exhibition. The audience rejoiced, and the waltz took the place of honor in the list. In consequence, the music will become a symbol of Vienna.

Music charms and captures in their own world from the very first bars. Like the magical and changeable course of the river - the melody of the composition. The mood is gentle, but timid, like small and exciting water ripples.

listen to "On the beautiful blue Danube"

"Tales of the Vienna Woods"

One of the most fabulous and magical works in the works of Johann Strauss the Son. It should be noted that the composition received the title of the longest waltz ever written by the composer.

Listening to the work, you can see that the fabulous and mysterious atmosphere is transmitted by means of special musical techniques. These include the incredibly pleasant sounding of the instrument of zither, and the inclusion of folklore motifs in the melodic and thematic line. Thus, the characteristic features of the Landler can be clearly seen. The work won the hearts of many romantic people who believe in a real miracle.

listen to "Tales of the Vienna Woods"

Waltz from the operetta "The Bat"

One of the most famous numbers operetta. Infinitely fresh and graceful in nature. He seems to be a vivid illustration of the idea of ​​theatrical production. It is noteworthy that one of the most famous newspapers of the time published more than a laudatory article concerning the success of this composition. In it, the author pointed out the richness of the musical themes of the composer, adding ironically that such musical imagination would be enough for several young French writers.

The harmony of the waltz is quite mobile, it creates a special mood. In this case, instrumentation creates the effect of melodiousness and melody. Incredible beauty is hidden behind the melodic line. Do not remember this work is impossible.

listen to the waltz from the operetta "Bat"

Interesting Facts

  • For the entire creative career, the composer composed almost 170 pieces of music in this genre.
  • Over the course of two days, the record on the Blue Danube vinyl records was sold in 140,000 copies. Music lovers for hours stood in the store to get an audio recording.
  • Everyone knows that Wagner He was a difficult person and did not like the work of other composers. Picky to the point of madness, Richard adored the work of Strauss, which was called "Wine, women, songs." Sometimes, if the opera classic was in the hall, then he asked him to repeat this song especially for him.
  • "Spring Voices" is a favorite work of Leo Tolstoy. The writer liked to listen to Strauss waltzes, but he especially often put the record with this composition.
  • The work “Farewell to Petersburg” is dedicated to Olga Smirnitskaya, with whom the composer had a long romance while living in the northern capital of Russia. Strauss wanted to marry a girl, but her mother was against such a marriage. They corresponded for a long time, until Strauss found out that Olga was marrying the composer Anton Rubinstein.
  • Fragment of "Spring Voices" can be heard from the legendary group Queen. In the album "A day at the Races".

  • Banking education has played its own role in organizing concerts of the composer. In order not to miss the best deals, the genius of the composition gathered several orchestral groups and learned the most popular works with them. Then the orchestras performed works at the same and at the same time, in different places, and as a result, the profit was only multiplied. The composer himself managed to conduct only one work, after which he left for the evening in another house.
  • Waltz "Artist's Life" is a kind of autobiography of the composer, it reveals the ecstasy of life.
  • In Boston, the waltz "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" was performed by two thousand orchestra members.
  • In Europe, the waltz "Spring Voices" is a symbol of celebration New Year.

Strauss Waltzes to the movies

The popularity of Strauss waltzes is hard to underestimate. Of course, many filmmakers and producers used music in their own films.

  • So, Jean Renoir at the beginning of his own film "The Great Illusion" used the waltz "Spring Voices".
  • There is a wonderful animated film about a mouse named Johann, it often sounds like a waltz "Blood of Vienna".
  • Alfred Hitchcock, famous throughout the world, also did not refuse to insert musical compositions into his own masterpiece, moreover, he created the most interesting film “Viennese Waltzes”. The story of the creation of one of the works of Strauss.
  • The popular cinematic picture "Space Odyssey" is complemented by the waltz "On the beautiful blue Danube". Moreover, the director specially mounted the footage with musical accompaniment.
  • The soundtrack of the movie "Sherlock Holmes. The Game of Shadows" contains a fragment of the work "Blood of Vienna" in a somewhat modified form. The idea proposed by Guy Ritchie himself.
  • “Farewell to Petersburg” - this picture is filled with several masterpieces of the composer’s work at once. Moreover, the film tells a biographical excerpt from the life of a musician during his stay in St. Petersburg.

Also the waltzes of Johann Strauss can be heard in films:



"On the beautiful blue Danube" The new Spiderman. High Voltage (2014)
Good bye, Lenin! (2003)
The Jungle Book (1994)
Farewell Quartet (2012)
Rango (2011)
"Spring Voices" Thin Ice (2011)
Property of the Devil (1997)
Deadly Beauty (1999)
Wild Cane (1994)
"Tales of the Vienna Woods" Titanic (1997)
The Age of Innocence (1993)
The Siberian Barber (1998)
"Imperial Waltz" A Taste of Sunlight (1999)
The Last Emperor (1987)

Today music is used in several short films:

  1. Civil twilight evening in the Empire of Tin (2008);
  2. Radiant (2007);
  3. Unforgettable Romance (2004).

Most popular waltzes:

Among the 170 compositions there are several works, especially beloved listeners:

  • Farewell to Petersburg;
  • Wine, women, songs;
  • The Imperial Waltz;
  • On the beautiful blue Danube;
  • Lagoons;
  • Spring voices;
  • Viennese women;
  • Tales of the Vienna Woods;
  • 1000 and 1 night;
  • Roses from the south;
  • Love songs;
  • Kiss;

Each dance is filled with an amazing atmosphere. At that time, everyone knew them, regardless of their position on the social scale. Everyone is young and old, singing waltzes, dancing to them, falling in love, getting married, celebrating the New Year. This music is made to make people truly happy.

Johann Strauss son gave the world a huge creative heritage. Each of his waltz is a small but bright story, which will be the final in it, depends on the listener. Ease, their carelessness and incredible grace make you listen to the work again and again, endlessly. So do not deny yourself this pleasure.

We are pleased to offer you a symphony orchestra to perform the "Strauss Waltzes" at your event.

Watch the video: What is a Waltz? Characteristics of Waltz Music (March 2025).

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