What are intervals in music, we learn intervals

What are intervals in music, we learn intervals

The next step after studying the rhythm and basic terms of musical notation is the mastering of intervals. What are the intervals, what they are, as well as tips on learning can be found on this page.

Term designation

Interval It is a combination of 2 notes with a pitch difference.

The sequence during playback detects the melodic interval. The simultaneous pressing shows harmonic.

Halftones and tones are considered to be the minimum units of calculation in the interval system.

A semitone is the smallest interval value with a tempered pattern (if the pitch is not tempered, then smaller intervals are possible, such as a quarter tone, etc.). It represents a movement of one adjacent key up or down.

Example 1

If the “Before” note was initially pressed, then the “C-sharp” note would be a half tone to it, if you need to find a half tone down from the same note, then it will be “C”.

The image below shows the halftone from the notes up and down.

The larger unit of change when moving up or down is the tone. One unit includes two semitones.

Example 2

From the note “Do”, the tone up will be along with the note “D”, the tone down “B-flat” and so on.

For a better mastery of halftones and tones, we will draw an analogy: the entire keyboard is a long way to go. One step to the next key is a semitone. The step through the key is the tone. In this case, all keys are perceived, both white and black.

Exercise 1

There are 8 pictures with the image of the keyboard: 4 of them are semitones, and 4 tones. You must correctly define the unit of measurement. Answers at the end of the article.

After studying the basic musical units of change, it is worth getting acquainted with the basic theoretical material.

When studying it is necessary to consider two important characteristics:

Quantitative - the number of steps.

Quality - the number of halftones of tones. In diatonic discernment: pure, large and small.

With the help of these values ​​we can talk about interval categories.

Example 3. Keyboard spacing

Exercise 2

Determine the intervals depicted on the keyboard, using the knowledge outlined above.

Exercise 3

Determine the interval depicted by the notes, without the aid of a table. All answers are listed at the end of the article.

In addition to simple, distinguish also spacing intervals. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they consist of two simple intervals. The table shows the integral intervals within two octaves:

Additional theoretical information

The musical theory is quite extensive and includes a huge number of terminologies and classifications. So intervals can be divided into consonant and dissonant.

Music consonance denotes euphony. Sounds perfectly harmonize with each other. The sound is soft. There are three categories of consonances:

  • Absolute: P1, P8.
  • Committed: h4 and h5.
  • Imperfect: m3, b3, m6 and b6.

Dissonances represent a category of intervals that have a sound unusual for the human ear. Dissonances include small and big seconds and septima, as well as reduced and enlarged consonances, including the triton.


An important term in the study is anharmonism. Enharmonic intervals are consonances that sound the same, but differ in writing.

Example 3

Exercises for mastering intervals

In order to be able to quickly determine the intervals at the ear, constant training is necessary, such as singing, playing a musical instrument and writing dictations. For each type of work, there are certain requirements.

Playing a musical instrument

It is important to be able to quickly navigate the interval notation when playing a musical instrument. The ability to quickly build the necessary interval, as well as a developed internal ear, always help the real musician.

There are exercises that help to master the intervals when playing a musical instrument:

From any note, build all simple and multiple intervals. Take your time, the main thing is to do everything right. First play them harmoniously, then melodically.

Choose a specific interval, which is most difficult to perceive when playing, and then try to play it from all the keys, both white and black, if you play the piano. First, do everything slowly, then accelerate the pace.

In order to improve the skill of perception and recognition of intervals, it is necessary in small musical works to look for various intervals and sign them if necessary.

Constant training develops the technique of playing a musical instrument, so it is advisable to allocate the game at least a few minutes daily.


Singing certain intervals not only improves hearing, but also helps to improve voice coordination and the development of primary vocal skills. To better memorize the intervals, you need to sing the following exercises daily.

From a certain note, it is necessary to sing all simple intervals upwards on some syllable, then downwards. Try to sing in a convenient register. If you have a high voice, then you shouldn't choke down, you need to sing in the upper registers. The first time you sing along with the instrument, then without it, check to see if you are performing the harmonies exactly. So proceed with each interval.

Sing one interval from different sounds in up and down. First you need to play along with the instrument, then learn to sing any interval from any note.

Sing the intervals in the two suggested ways, but with the name of the notes you sing, it will help develop your hearing.

With constant ear training, it is likely that you can distinguish by ear a variety of intervals, which will help you quickly select and learn works or songs, as well as cope with dictations or recording of digital cameras.


Exercise 1

Tone - half tone - half tone - tone - half tone - half tone - tone - tone.

Exercise 2

Net quart; great third; perfect fifth; pure prima; triton; big second.

Exercise 3

Big second; clean quart; minor third; perfect fifth; pure prima; pure octave

We hope that the page was useful and now you know what intervals are. Do not be discouraged if you make mistakes in the exercises. Reread the article again and go back to execution. If you wish and work, everything will work out for you!

Watch the video: How to Identify Musical Intervals Music Theory (March 2025).

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