Circulation of a triad: how do appeals, types of appeals, how are they built?

Circulation of a triad is a change in the original structure of a chord, in which a new kindred chord is produced from the same sounds. Not only triads (a chord of three sounds), but also any other chords, as well as intervals, can be addressed. The principle of treatment (or if you want to rotate around) is the same in all cases: all sounds that are in this source chord remain in their places except for one — the top or bottom.

What are the chords

So, in the center of our attention - musical chords. What are the chords? What are the main types of chords? These and other issues we have to discuss today. Accord is a harmonious consonance in the simultaneity of three or four or more sounds. I hope you get the point - there should be at least three sounds in a chord, because if, for example, two, then this is not a chord, but an interval.

NF (Rapper): interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

NF (Rapper) Young hip-hop & rap performers continue to win popular American charts. The opening of 2017 was a talented rapper NF. Millions of people around the world are imbued with not only life history, but also the meaning embedded in the rapper's texts. New rap album "Perception" instantly took a leading position in the hit parade of Billboard-200.

La Campanella. Performances

Kings and beggars Songs and dances of kings and beggars performed by the ensemble of ancient music "La Campanella" The music, as in a mirror, reflects the life and work of famous rulers - Thibault Champagne, Henry VIII, Anna of Brittany and Prince of Orange, Karl XII of Sweden, Louis XIV - and their simple contemporaries.

How to instill in children a love of music?

How to instill in children a love of music, if you really want a child to join art in his life? Since time immemorial, man has been surrounded by music. The singing of birds, the rustling of trees, the murmur of water, the whistle of the wind can be called the music of nature. In order to develop the sense of beauty in children, to teach them to love and understand music, it is necessary for the music to surround the children from the very first moments of their life.

Types of ballroom dancing

Ballroom dancing is not just dancing, it is a whole art, and at the same time science, sport, passion, in one word - the whole life embodied in movement. Also, ballroom dancing is not in vain called sports - this is a huge workout for all muscles of the body, as well as proper and healthy cardiological load.

Choosing an electric guitar - what to look for

Buying a new instrument is one of the most important periods in the musical life of a guitarist. Guitar is not a cheap pleasure. She will serve you more than one year. Therefore, the choice must be approached very carefully. In this article we will discuss what characteristics you should pay attention to, and how they will affect the sound of an electric guitar.

Music with mom

Music with mom: playing at home Music games are a great and very useful way to spend your time at home. We offer you a curious game for the development of musical hearing in children - "How the rainbow sounds." It is intended for children aged 5-7 years. This game will help teach the child to distinguish sounds in height, as well as work out his memory well.