Training for guitarist - learn to play fast

If you are seriously engaged in music and plan to play complex songs in the future, you need to devote time to training. Mastery always requires a lot of time and effort. Therefore, you need to approach the classes with full responsibility. In this article we will look at various exercises for developing the speed and purity of playing the guitar, training the sense of rhythm. And let's start with warming up your hands.

Warming up hands before the game

Make it a rule to knead your hands before the game. Warming up should be an integral part of your workouts and performances in public. And the more time you spend on it, the better.

First, straining the unheated muscles, you risk injuring them. Tendonitis (inflammation of the tendons) and arthritis (inflammation of the joint) are occupational diseases of guitarists. A banal warm-up greatly reduces the risk of injury.

Secondly, gymnastics for hands greatly increases the effectiveness of training. Try to warm up before the game - and you will feel how much faster and more accurate your fingers began to run along the fingerboard. Personal observation: without a warm-up, the maximum speed of execution of passages falls by 25-30%.

Gymnastics consists of 2 parts: with and without a guitar. First you need to put the tool aside and prepare your hands. Start with forearms and hands - make a few dozen circular rotations in both directions, like in physical education.

Then comes the stretching of the fingers. Try to spread the fingers of your left hand to the side to the maximum distance. First, stretch without the help of your right hand, then with it. Watch your sensations - you shouldn't bring it to pain. It would also be nice to bend your fingers one by one, holding all the others. If you have an expander - you can work out a little with him.

By doing this just a few minutes a day, you will protect your hands from injuries, as well as increase the effectiveness of training. Pay special attention to your left hand - it is she who loads the most. But you shouldn’t forget about the right one - the quick game also tires her.

Warm up with a guitar - develop a sense of rhythm

When you do a simple exercise - you can safely take up the guitar. Immediately play at the limit of opportunities is fraught with trouble. You need to start slowly, gradually increasing the pace. Exercise at least 10-15 minutes - and your hands will thank you.

Now is the time to pay attention to the rhythm. Rhythm - the basis of any music (except, perhaps, ambient). In whatever direction, and in whatever instrument you play, you shouldn’t forget about rhythm.

It is worth starting with a slow game. Maybe you think that playing slowly is very easy and boring? Try to accurately fall into the beats of the metronome with 4 notes at a pace of 40-50 beats per minute. Most novice guitar players can't do this. You need to train at all speeds and always with a metronome. Metronome is the best friend and teacher of the musician.

Set the metronome speed to 60 bpm (beats per minute). Play the passage shown in the picture. After a few minutes, increase the speed to 70 bpm, then to 80, 90, and so on.

Walk it in a circle several times. First play 4 notes, then 8, then 16. You can combine them to get simple rhythmic patterns, such as a gallop (8-8-4 or 16-16-8), or use trioli.

Then go over the scales. Build a scale from any note on the 6th string - and play it the same way. It is important not to "stay up" in one place on the neck. Pay equal attention to both the first frets and the latest ones. Your fingers should always run confidently.

If you play a mediator - try different methods of attack. First play a passage with a variable stroke, then a downstroke. Owners of electric guitars are recommended to practice both on clear sound and with overload. The technique of playing them is a little different, and you also need to work on it daily.

If you are in a hurry - work out at least 10 minutes. This is much better than nothing.

Exercises for speed games

Learning to play fast is just half the battle. Many musicians can give out 20 notes per second, but it’s very difficult to disassemble at least some kind of melody. The point here is to properly adjust the sound and the purity of the game. Sound is a very large topic and deserves a whole cycle of individual articles. But on a clean game you need to work.

First, determine the maximum comfortable speed for yourself. Choose your favorite riff or simple scale, turn on the metronome and play it. Then increase the speed and repeat. Increase until the “dirt” starts to appear in the melody. Small rhythmic inaccuracies, the gnashing of a pick on strings braid, grazing of extra strings - all this spoils the melody. Especially if you use overdrive or distortion in your music.

When you understand the limit of their capabilities - you can begin to expand it. Again: Forget about playing without a metronome! Start with the exercise described above. Choose any mode, build from it a similar passage and lose. Keep it clean. If you play dirty - it is worth a little slower or a break.

Do not focus on one exercise. Tired of playing this passage - switch to other scales, to scales. Playing your favorite works is no worse. Choose an interesting fast track or an excerpt from it, learn it and go into battle! The most important thing is to play as clearly as possible. Never get out of rhythm. Never hurt an extra string.

When it will turn out - slightly increase the speed. Only 2-3 beats per minute. You almost do not feel the difference, and without problems will play with heated hands. Even if you move the threshold by 1 bpm per day - in a month you will get a stunning result.

Do not forget about the various techniques of the game. If you are interested in a sweep - be sure to train it. Like tapping - add new notes to your exercises. For example, try using two hands to play the passage from the image.

The letter T in the tab shows what sounds are played with the finger of the right hand. When playing tapping pay attention to the volume of the notes. For beginner guitarists, the extraction of sound by the little finger and the ring fingers is very lame - watch this. Mute all the extra strings to make the game as clean as possible. Your task is to bring your performance at the current speed to the ideal. And only then you can go to the next level.


We repeat once again how your training should go:

  1. Warm up hands and stretching;
  2. Slow gamma playing as a metronome;
  3. Determination of comfortable speed for today;
  4. The game of exercises for high-speed game also under the metronome.

Perhaps this approach will seem boring to you. Dozens of times to play one and the boring riff, besides follow hundreds of small things. But remember the proverb: "Repetition is the mother of learning." Quick play is a very difficult technique. Not every guitarist can boast of a clean performance of high-speed passages. To reach the heights of excellence, it takes years of hard training. Take only 40 minutes a day to these exercises - and the result will not take long.

Watch the video: Speed Picking - Everybody Can Do This! (March 2025).

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