What is solfeggio?

What is solfeggio? In a broad sense, solfeggio- this singing on notessinging with naming notes. By the way, the word solfeggio is formed by adding the names of notes salt and faThat is why this word sounds so musical. In a narrower sense, solfeggio - this academic disciplinewhich is studied in music schools, colleges, colleges and conservatories.

What are solfeggio lessons in schools for? To educate a musical ear, to grow it from a simple ability to a powerful professional instrument. How does the ordinary rumor become a musician rumor? With the help of training, special exercises - this is exactly what they do in solfeggio.

The question of what solfegio is often asked by parents whose children attend music school. Unfortunately, not every child is delighted with solfeggio lessons (this is natural: usually this subject is associated by children with mathematics lessons in a secondary school). Since the learning process of solfeggio is very intensive, parents should monitor the attendance of this lesson with their child.

Solfeggio in music school

School solfege course can be divided into two components: theoretical and practical part. In the middle section, the theory is separated from practice, while in school they are traversed in parallel. The theoretical part is an elementary theory of music throughout the entire period of teaching at school, at the initial stage it is at the level of musical literacy (and this is quite a serious level). The practical part is the singing of special exercises and numbers - excerpts from musical works, as well as recording dictations (of course, musical ones) and listening to different sounds.

What begins learning solfege? At first they learn to read and write notes - without this in any way, therefore mastering musical notation is the very first stage, which, by the way, ends very soon.

If you think that music literacy is taught in music schools for all 7 years, then it is not so - a maximum of a month or two, then switching to the music literacy itself. And, as a rule, already in the first and second grade, schoolchildren master its basic positions (at a theoretical level): types of major and minor, tonality, its stable and unstable sounds and harmonies, intervals, chords, simple rhythm.

In this case, in parallel, the actual process of salinging begins - the practical part - the singing of scales, exercises, and numbers with conducting. I will not begin here to write here about why all this is needed - read a separate article "Why study solfege." I will simply say that after passing the course of solfeggio a person will be able to read notes like books — without playing an instrument, he will hear music. I emphasize that for such a result, the knowledge of a single musical notation is not enough, it is necessary exercises that develop the skills of intonation (i.e., reproduction) both out loud and about myself.

What do you need for solfeggio lessons?

We figured out what solfegio is - this is a type of musical activity, and an academic discipline. Now a few words about the fact that the child needs to bring solfeggio to the lesson. Indispensable attributes: a notebook, a simple pencil, an eraser, a pen, a notebook for rules and a diary. Solfeggio lessons in the music school take place once a week for one hour, usually small exercises (written and oral) are given at home.

If you were looking for an answer to the question what solfeggio is, then it is quite natural that you may have a question: what other subjects are being studied when teaching music? On this occasion, read the article "What children learn in music schools."


By the way, will be released very soon A series of video lessons on the basics of musical literacy and ear trainingwhich will be distributed free of charge, but only for the first time and only among the visitors of this site. Therefore, if you do not want to miss this series - Subscribe to the newsletter right now (form on the left side), to get a personal invitation on these lessons.

At the end - a musical gift. Today we will listen to Egor Strelnikov - cool guslar. He will sing "Cossack lullaby" to the poems of M.I. Lermontov (music of Maxim Gavrilenko).


Watch the video: What is Solfeggio? Music Theory Lessons - Robert Estrin (March 2025).

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