Musical rules

"Musical Rules"

purpose: Fix theoretical knowledge in a simple and interesting form for children.

You will need: Small cards made of thick white cardboard, black marker. Write musical terms on cards that students already know, for example, treble clef, bass clef, names of notes, tonic, size, stave, notes duration. The number of such blanks is unlimited.

The essence of the lesson.
The teacher lays out the cards on his desk in written terms down; children should not see these words. Then, one student is called to the blackboard. He takes any piece he likes. Attention! It is important that the child does not read what he came up with; he must hold the box in his hands in such a way that the whole class, except him, knows this term, that is, the inscription to the class. Further, with the help of leading questions, he must guess what term he got. For example, he may ask at the beginning of the music staff whether it is written or not, it is the duration of the notes or the height, with the help of what is indicated in the letter: signs, numbers, letters. The number of leading questions can be unlimited, do not forget, this is primarily a game, not a check. If necessary, the teacher can help the student with leading questions. After he guesses his word, the next one at will goes to the board. Such game checks can be carried out in breaks between topics.

The benefits of the lesson "Musical Rules".
In this form, it will be very interesting for children to repeat theoretical material that is usually hard to digest, especially in the lower grades. In addition, they learn to work in a team, train and develop the mind, memory, attention, and most importantly, overcome the fear of speaking to an audience. Believe me, even the most modest and shy child will be happy to pull the little hand to go to the blackboard, take the treasured card and test his strength in the game "Musical Rules".

Watch the video: Dua Lipa - New Rules Official Music Video (March 2025).

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