Musical Theatre

"Musical Theatre"

The purpose of the lesson: teach children to reproduce the plot of a famous fairy tale in a game form, to develop auditory attention. Such classes teach how to work in a team, allow you to use choreographic elements and teach improvisation. Allow to develop coordination of movements and creative abilities.

Preparations: for the lesson "Musical Theater" will need wolf masks and kids. You can take ready or make them yourself with the children. Choose a piece of music, consisting of several contrasting parts, you can take any dance theme. We offer in the younger groups to use the play by D. Kabalevsky "Clowns". Repeat it as many times as necessary in theatrical production.

During the classes "Musical Theater": the action follows the plot of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids" with some changes. The presenter turns on the music and announces the beginning of the first part. A wolf appears, he in turn pulls out his arms, legs and yawns, as he just woke up. In this case, he can perform any dance elements, show his sneaking step. The wolf looks out for the kids, but without seeing anyone again goes to rest.

Lead announces the beginning of the second part. The rest of the guys playing the role of kids go to the center of the site. They have to show how babies play and play. Let them try to mimic the wolf, showing his movements and facial expressions. Music ends - kids remain on stage.

The third part: a wolf suddenly appears. He abruptly jumps out of his hiding place and starts catching kids.

Music lesson is designed for different age categories. So, in the younger group, the wolf can be played by the teacher, and the kids are the children. In the middle, all the roles are already done by the guys. In the older group, you can complicate tasks by assigning certain game and dance moves. Let the children show their creative abilities and fantasize, offer their version of the plot development and the best of them can be put on an improvised stage.

Watch the video: Try Not To Sing Along Challenge - Musical Theatre Edition (March 2025).

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